For kicks and giggles, I am trying FREE!

Pre-experiment Post


I’m going to live off of what ever I can find in the house. That’s right, frozen peas and mystery meat SALUTE!

Gift cards in my wallet, points accumulated on my ATM and credit cards. My closest bottle recycling facility is about 4 miles away (hehehe). I am totally kidding! I doubt this experiment will get that deep.

Think I can do it? And for how long? Your guess is as good as mine. To keep it “a-100” I’m documenting, documenting documenting.

Etiology of the “TRY FREE” Experiment

The entire reason this experiment came about is because I’m SICK of wasting food, expiring points and not utilizing what’s in front of me. We are so blessed to live in such a rich country with all the free-bees we cavalierly don’t take advantage of. Who am I to waste what’s under my nose? To make it worse, there are fellow humans out there struggling to eat just one meal a day.

While contemplating this thought, coupled with my boredom; I glanced over to the glass container of “washing quarters” we routinely collect from our coin-operated washer and dryer in the rental property.


The “TRY FREE” experiment formulated in my head!

When I have the time, I like to flex my “scarcity” muscles. It somehow lifts the mask of feeling idle and reveals my quirky and creative little engine that I know is in there. It brings me back to my roots. After all, I did live like this way-back-when out of necessity.

Maintaining frugality is a personal skill set I flex when required and a key component why I could retire early. Or maybe it was my saving’s rate of 50% (insert humble-brag/wink/resting Grinch face here).

To be fair and transparent. I will not consider this money for my already-set/reoccurring monthly bills (health insurance premium, utilities, or salaries to employees). We don’t have a mortgage and we’ve already paid up all the auto and home insurance for the year already. It’s strictly for what I would go out and spend for food, household items (if any), a tiny emergency fund, entertainment, and random unexpected expenses like last-minute invites, a birthday gift, or small donations. I want to challenge myself to not spend any “extra cash”, deter buying stuff I don’t need and most salient for me; NOT TO WASTE!


The idea has already sparked my interest in carrying out a couple of recipes instead of buying ready-made. The one that tops the list is rice-pudding. I don’t know why this is at the top of the list.

Given my budget constraints, I’ve already sized up what’s in my pantry and fridge. I have (mostly) everything for the recipe. I’ll report back to see if I followed through with it and if it was edible since I’ll be using Mr. DTD’s Costco almond mild (insert worried, concerned emoji here).

Disco Attire:

It frustrates me that I haven’t been more productive in making my Disco merch. I’m hoping my little experiment will spark some frugal creativity. I have plenty of “supplies” in my craft drawer for some super-duper all-things cow bells and glitter Disco T-shirts. Watch out Etsy top sellers.

I am hoping a pebble effect of “quarter container” living will help me roll back most of the “I’m bored” frivolous spending that has recently plagued me. Look, I get that some if not most of you reading this blog are too busy to be bored, I know, I’ve been there. Look at it this way, I’m giving you over-burdened professionals a window into your future. Yes, one day you too will not only aspire to be bored , YOU WILL BE BORED.

Did someone say mango cherry vanilla sugar scrub?

Finally, I’m going to use as many hotel toiletries and Christmas “spa gift” beauty treatments I can possibly tolerate. I’m pulling out the nail polish and nail file. My hair will be well-conditioned, my skin will be soft and my feet will be smooth. I’ll be very alert too…….. because I plan to consume as much free-bee caffeine-containing “drinkable’s” my left ventricle will endure. (insert bug-eyed perma-grin emoji here). Although, I may come out smelling like Peg Bundy and staying up until 2 AM – it’s all good. Waste not, want not.

How much do you think is in the glass jar?

$45……………..$75…………………. $110 ???

How many gift cards, coupons and ATM points have I accumulated since the last time I had this self-imposed “throw-down”?

In addition to the quarters in the glass jar, I’m hedging I have at least $250 or $350 bucks. Here’s why.

My House giveth me ………………………

small change, hotel soap and Italian wedding soup

My wallet giveth me ……………………..

returned merchandise cards, gift cards and buy-one/get-one free appetizers

The mail giveth me ……………………

endless Costco coupons and “free-events”

My credit card & ATM rewards giveth me ………………….

points to change into cash

The Budget:

You guys know that I am coo coo for Cocoa puffs for YNAB. But I haven’t used it very much since I’ve been retired. So, here it is………

“Living off washing quarters and gift cards” budget

I used a budget of $385.00 within a 3 week period. Yes, I know, this is lofty and wishful thinking, but struggle makes good wine, great inventions and brings forth solutions never thought of.

Let’s see how it goes.

Did I inspire you? Do you do this from time-to-time? Share your thoughts and best of all your “tips”. I can always use a few novel ways to increase “the free”. hehehe And if the answer is “no” to both questions, I challenge you, yeah right now to …………………….