Come metaphorical rain or shine you are always there for me

You are my favorite place on earth

In my Sinéad O’Connor voice “Nothing Compares 2 U….”

On good days and especially bad days I look forward to coming home to you

You grant me endless hours of solitude, as many as I want

You don’t care about my outfit or if I’m a little “late” on a shower

And when I’m soggy and wet after a shower, you welcome me back to your soft and cozy Jersey knits

You seem to know exactly what day I’ve had and lull me to sleep

You encourage me to linger in your cradle for endless hours without complaint

Others respect you and they know that it better be important if I need to leave you

It goes without saying, my devotion to you is limitless

Or so I’m told by my husband who constantly yells “Get out of bed”

Sigh, he’s just jealous

I remember fondly our special occasions together 

I’ve watched many Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parades, reality television finales and Presidential elections with you

Remember when we patiently waited for the chicks to hatch?

What an incredible memory to share with you, my bed

You have been the headquarters for many an idea

Including starting this Blog

And the first to learn of my successes

You were my witness when I signed my first contract and spent countless hours with me tweaking my budget  

Most memorable, you were there when I discovered that I was F.I.

You are a good listener too, I always seem to find the answer in your presence

When you lose my favorite socks or cell-phone charger or the remote

I don’t mind, eventually you’ll give them back

No matter how many times I get up in the middle of the night, you are  there to make me comfortable again

Unfortunately, children adore you too 

They are clever and know exactly where to find me when I am hiding

Like me, they try to stay with you for as long as possible

The consummate giver, you reliably find a spot for them

Of course, until they get evicted despite their efforts to be quiet and invisible

I’ve had several conversations with others about your benefits and restorative attributes

No other bed in a Hotel, back home or an AirBnB can measure up

You are more than just one of my favorite things; you ARE my favorite thing

There’s no denying your “come hither” attraction

I am guilty of sneaking off to be with you. But who can resist you?

Surely not I

I wouldn’t trade time with you for much

Well, I might leave you for a quick get-away but without exception I will come back

Missing you all the while, lamenting over the hours we spent apart

You stand the test of time and I remain your biggest fan 

Most of all, you’re my first and last embrace

My happy place

My serenity and my closest confidant all wrapped up into one

My …..bed